About Kathy

Professional Training and Qualifications

  • BSc Reading University
  • RGN (no longer registered) the peak of my nursing career I managed a unit at The Hammersmith Hospital
  • Counselling Diploma, Centre for Counselling and Psychotherapy Education London
  • Cruse Bereavement Care Counselling Training
  • Homeopathy training
  • Emotional Freedom Techniques Advanced Level EFT Intrenational registered member
  • Matrix Reimprinting training
  • Psychoanalytical Energy Psychology training
  • Internal Family Systems training (IFS)
  • Comprehensive Resource Model training (CRM)
  • Health Creation Coaching Training
  • Chrysalis Effect M.E/Chronic Fatigue/Fibromyalgia Accredited Coach
  • Penny Brohn Cancer Care Living Well Course Facilitator
  • National Federation of Spiritual Healers

I regularly update and add to my knowledge and experience – I am a compulsive explorer of knowledge, experience and deep wisdom. I attend lots of CPD training!

My Story

I hope that my story allows you to get to know and connect with me and my professional approach, my long experience with stuckness and suffering and how I’ve come to know what is needed for deep, lasting healing to occur.

Part of my story feels a bit like a past life now. It happened before I became really fully ‘conscious’, before my children were born when I was largely led by my head. I worked in the high-tech end of medicine, managing a unit at the Hammersmith Hospital. I then worked in medical research, trained as a counsellor, and worked as a nurse practitioner for a GP. and I also worked with the dying (working with people at the end of their life is still very important to me). Understanding why certain approaches work and having evidence to back that up seems vital to me, so during this period of my life my head was in charge.

Then I had children and I became ‘heart’ led. My heart opened, partly due to struggle and trauma. Very early on in my children’s lives I realised that conventional medicine didn’t make them really well and I turned to Homeopathy. I heard about this from a GP I used to work with, and my early experiences with this healing approach opened my mind to a whole new way of healing. I gave my snotty, miserable child who found it hard to sleep and suffered from frequent earaches a homeopathic remedy; she slept for 18 hours almost straight and woke up different. I didn’t look back.

Much of my knowledge and experience about the treatment of M.E/CSF/Fibromyalgia has come through my personal journey as a mother.  One of my children has always been very sensitive (which is a common aspect of this illness) they had M.E. type symptoms for periods of time at the ages of 9 and then again at 13, both from environmental toxicity which cleared up when the toxicity was dealt with. At University their health declined again. They contracted Glandular Fever which triggered severe exhaustion, allergies, eczema and anxiety. Through my supporting and being alongside them during this time, I have learnt what steps are necessary to be on the road to health.

Recently I also supported my 85 year old mum through her illness with cancer. She’d had a malignant melanoma 20 years ago. Surgery allowed her to put that behind her and during retirement she travelled to Zambia, bringing early years education to remote villages. She was so active and lived life to the full. Eventually she developed secondary cancer. The oncologist said that as the disease had grown so slowly she was obviously successful at staying healthy so could expect her health to continue. Mum made lifestyle changes to support her health, she exercised, ate a whole food diet with lots of vegetables, she used Homeopathy and meditated daily.

She was reasonably well, not needing painkillers until just a week before she died. Her death was so peaceful – even uplifting. She suffered so little, she was at home with her children, her life had been very well lived. Her passing was really quite easy.

My story overlaps with child’s and my mum’s of course. I have been persistent and determined to find out and really know what works. I have done much ‘inner work’ to support myself and be as clear as possible. My experience as a mother and supporting my own mum alongside my previous knowledge and experience in the Health Service have informed my professional life. I have worked and studied with some of the country’s leading Integrative medical doctors: Dr Rosy Daniels, Dr Mark Atkinson, Dr Chris Johnstone, Dr Catherine Zollman, and Dr Craig Brown. I practice one-on-one with individuals and facilitate groups to become more resilient and free from what limits their emotional and physical wellbeing. You can find out more about the tools and modalities I use here.

For 7 years now I facilitated a 15 hour course called Living Well with the Impact of Cancer at various hospitals and centres along the South Coast. Designed by Penny Brohn Cancer Care, this course is specifically targeted at fulfilling the government Department of Health’s National Cancer Survivorship Initiative requirements. I was one of the first facilitators of this course which spread nationwide.

I know what I am really good at now. I know what my heart’s path or vocation is. I allow people to feel deeply understood, valued and that their life matters profoundly. Together with my clients we create a path to wellbeing following a tried and tested successful map that we personalise. We will integrate the best of conventional medical approaches with evidence-based complimentary therapies and positive psychology tools, gentle coaching and counselling. My clients find well-being; they find their power and then end up living their life with inner freedom.